Announcing ECommerce from CafeCommerce!

Announcing ECommerce from CafeCommerce! thumbnail

Setting up an online storefront has always been a bit of a confusing mess.

If you didn’t know exactly what you were doing going into the process you could easily spend weeks learning how to manage inventory, accept credit cards, and even do something as simple as change your store’s color scheme.

Our customers have approached us regularly for ECommerce assistance, and we’ve never really been able to point them toward an all-in-one ECommerce solution that was easy-to-use, feature-filled, and affordable.

Today we’re happy to pull the curtain off of CafeCommerce, an extremely comprehensive ECommerce system developed by our friends at WebAssist.

CafeCommerce - Try it free!

CafeCommerce launches today and we’re happy to have been chosen as their exclusive launch partner. Our two development teams have been working closely for months to ensure that CafeCommerce provides the absolute best ECommerce experience for DreamHost customers.

Your Store Deserves WooCommerce Hosting

Sell anything, anywhere, anytime on the world's biggest eCommerce platform.

CafeCommerce includes more than a dozen different themes (with more on the way) created by professional designers to give your online storefront that “lived in” look, and each theme can be customized using CafeCommerce’s built-in graphical editor. Color, layout, and fonts can all be changed site-wide – immediately – with nothing more than just a few mouse clicks.

It's practically PhotoShop!

You can sell physical products, digital goods, and even services with Cafe Commerce. You can easily accept credit cards, manage products, view orders, and connect with your customers – all by using CafeCommerce’s built-in management tools.

Add inventory and set pricing - all through a simple-to-use web interface!

In addition to its own reporting tools, CafeCommerce was designed to easily integrate with other tracking systems like Google Analytics or Crazy Egg.
July was a good month!

And because CafeCommerce stores run on the DreamHost infrastructure, there are of course no limits at all on disk space or bandwidth, so you can comfortably grow your business without worrying about unexpected charges later on down the line.

All this functionality comes in at a flat rate of just $30 per month.

Oh sure, there are some ECommerce competitors that may appear to come close to that $30 price point, but they’ll snag you down the line with inconceivable limitations and heinous fees that are structured to essentially bleed you dry the second you start actually making money.

They’ll take a percentage of every transaction!
They’ll limit the number of items you can stock in your inventory!
They’ll even limit the amount of disk space your stores can take up! How are you supposed to store hundreds of high-resolution product images with only 100 megs?

Has no one conceived of this?

There are no such limitations with CafeCommerce. From the get-go you’ll be able to establish a web store with an unlimited number of
– Products & Images
– Customers (kind of important!)
– Store Administrators
– Pages
– Categories and Sub-Categories
– Transactions
…all for a flat rate of just $30 per month.

You’ll also get access to chat-based support, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

It just makes no sense to look elsewhere! CafeCommerce’s flat-rate pricing is a bargain! And we’re not just saying that because we went in on this together! It’s truly the most affordable, feature-filled commercial ECommerce software we’ve found.

Both current and new DreamHost customers can sign up today for a fully-featured two-week free trial!

CafeCommerce is incredibly powerful, extremely customizable, and absolutely affordable – we don’t think you’ll need two weeks to figure that out, but go give it a try and see for yourself.

If the free trial doesn’t convince you that CafeCommerce is the solution to all of your ECommerce problems, I’ve got good news and bad news.
The bad news is that you’re wrong.
The good news is that you can safely cancel your CafeCommerce account within the trial period and owe nothing.

Check it out!

Photo of Brett Dunst
About the Author:

Brett's the VP of Corporate Communications at DreamHost and definitely not a robot. He tweets as @TremendousValue and it's not great.